Saturday, January 23, 2010


Gray, blah day outside my window. Inside, it's peaceful and a little sleepy. One child is asleep, the other is watching 'Treasure Island'. I've been stitching. Cross stitching in particular. And, it's something for me, my home. Sometimes it feels so indulgent to do something crafty for myself. I find that it is necessary, though. It gives my brain a chance to settle. Sometimes, I am amazed at the wonderful ideas that pop up while working on something for myself. Other crafters and artists are so inspiring. I think working on something created by their creative fingers helps to clear cobwebs and jump start my own creativity. So, here is a little 'shout out' to The Sampler Girl whose patterns I have been devouring lately. Thank you!

Yesterday, my 7 year old had his 'Star Student of the Week' interview. My husband and Asher and I went. It was a lot of fun. He answered the questions like he was on 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?'.
"Nathanael, what is your favorite ice cream?" asks a classmate.
"I'm going to guess... vanilla with sprinkles." responds Nathanael.
It was cute:) When asked what his favorite number was, he said "44". When asked, "Why 44" he said, "Because that's how old my dad is." Tee, hee! Then another boy called out, "My dad is 44, too!" And another boy said, "My dad is 56." (The boy next to him said, "He's your grandpa then." Imagine the many conversations around various greater Lansing dinner tables last night!) And on it went.

Well, I guess I'll get back to being a mom. Fold some laundry, take care of dishes, wipe up crumbs....

Enjoy your day!

P.S. Don't forget 'Emma' tomorrow night at 9:00 on PBS!

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