Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I have been on the computer a lot the past couple of days updating my website and my etsy shop. Check them out- there are some fun, new Halloween treats to make you smile.

That is what I love most about being a crafter. Not only does it make me happy to see my customers get a tickle out of seeing my work but I, too, get a laugh out of these little faces! What fun to make these treats! And it's even more fun to uncover them for a show after they've been packed away for a while.

My hope is to, at the very least, make you smile and make your heart feel glad when you look at my creations. And it fuels my creativity when I hear your giggles!

Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm giggling! When I have a bad day, like today, it's nice to look at some cuties like the green Frankenstein up there! I love that hair (piece) he's got on there!!


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